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Top 5 Huawei Honor 6 Phone Problems & How To Fix them



In recent days, Huawei is slowly climbing to settle among the top smartphone manufacturers. It started releasing various Android-based devices into the market at regular intervals. It is well-known for the budget smartphones which embed the latest evolving technologies. Last year, we saw the success of Huawei Honor 5X and Honor 7 smartphones.

Huawei Honor 6 smartphone was released long back, and it has seen a very success rate in the market. Most of the Android lovers bought this 5-inch smartphone soon after its release. Now, we have been receiving few reports from its users stating that there are few issues in the device. So, we made few workouts on the issues and found solutions for all of it. So, relax back and go through the below solutions to resolve all the issues.

1. Over-Heating Issue

Problem – Most of the Honor 6 smartphone users reported about the over-heating issue, and we consider this as a most common issue on all the Android devices. But, there is no point to freak-out as we could manage to overcome this issue simply through few workouts.

Solution – Over-heating issue may cause due to many reasons, and so you need to try altering one by one. First of all, always make sure remove the case of the phone while charging the device and while playing high-resolution games.

Avoid using widgets and live wallpapers on the device as it will over-load the processor and causes the over-heating issue. Always use original battery chargers while charging the device and make sure not to perform multi-tasking (accessing several apps at a time) on the phone. By doing this, you can avoid the over-heating issue.

2. Lag in performance

Problem – Another most common issue we have seen in all the Android devices is that phone getting lagged after using for few months. Same is the case with Huawei Honor 6 as we received few reports from the users about lag issue. So, we considered those issues and found few precautionary measures and solutions to resolve this issue.

Solution – At first, enable the developer options in the device. These options have hidden features which can alter the performance of the phone. To do so, open ‘Settings>About Phone’ and tap few times on ‘Build Number’. Once this is done, you can see the options under your device settings. Now open them and scroll down to find animation scale settings. By default, the animation settings will be pointed to 1x. Now, turn them off or reduce to 0.5x so as to see the instant change in the device performance. At any time, you can revert to old settings by reversing the process.

If you still not satisfied with the performance, then remove the app cache and wipe cache partition. To remove app cache, open each app under app manager and tap on ‘Clear Cache’. For wipe cache partition, you need to get the device into recovery mode. For that, press volume up and power button at the same time until you see the recovery menu. Now, using volume button select ‘wipe cache partition’ and confirm the selection using the power button. After the process is done, go for ‘Reboot system now’. By now, the device should resolve the lag issue.

If you still facing the lag issue, then perform the factory reset on the device. This will erase entire data from the device and so take a prior back up. Once back up is taken, then turn off your device and get into recovery mode as explained above. In recovery mode, select and confirm ‘wipe data/factory reset’ option and then confirm ‘Yes.’ Now, it will take some time for the process and then go for ‘Reboot system now’. The same thing can be performed by opening ‘Settings>Backup & Reset>Factory Data Reset>Reset Phone>Erase everything’. That’s all; now you have performed the complete factory reset of the phone, and so the issue of lag should get resolved.

3. Poor battery life

Problem – Most of the Honor 6 phone users reported about that the battery is draining very soon. We have seen the same issue in several other Android devices and so we would like to share few precautionary solutions for you to improve the battery life.

Solution – In every Android phone, bloatware exists and due to these pre-installed apps the battery of the device gets drain faster. So, to avoid that, uninstall/disable all the pre-installed apps from the device and also uninstall useless apps from the phone which are being downloaded by you from play store.

Also, remove widgets and live wallpapers from the device as they consume more battery. Always turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and data connections whenever not in use as this will have an adverse affect on the battery life. Make use of original battery chargers for charging the device so as to experience the actual power from the battery.

4. Phone Won’t Turn On

Problem – Some of the users reported that their device is getting turned off frequently and is not able to turn on again for some time. If ignored, this could cause major damage to the device and so go through the below solution to resolve this issue.

Solution – Whenever your device turns off, then stop panicking and try to restart the device normally. If failed, then remove the battery and wait for some time, and then on the device. Sometimes, the third-party app may also be a cause for this issue and so check all the downloaded apps thoroughly and uninstall the unwanted apps. Also, try removing the cache from the device as explained in the solution 2. If everything fails, then perform the factory reset as given in the solution 2. By now, the problem should have resolved.
Most users are facing this issue after upgrading their device, and so they should wait for the next update from the manufacturer which should contain a fix for the issue. Check for the updates under ‘
Settings>About phone’ and if any update is available and download and install the same in the device.

5. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Connection Issues

Problem – Few users wrote us that, their devices are facing the issues with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth whenever they try to connect. By performing certain tasks, you can resolve this issue easily.

Solution – Make sure that Wi-Fi connection is on and if you still see the issue then restart the router and reconnect from the device. For Bluetooth, check the number of connected devices on the phone as it should not exceed the limit. Remove the connected devices and start pairing to devices from beginning. By now, you should have resolved the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection issues.

In case if you have any other issues with the Huawei Honor 6 smartphone, then write us down in the comments section below as we try to resolve them for you.


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