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US Army to Switch from Android to Apple iPhones for Faster Performance, Speed & Reliability



If you are one of those, who thinks that the iPhones are not reliable when compared to Android devices, then you might want to rethink. The United States Army has given a vote of confidence to Apple iPhone. Yes, the U.S Army Special Operations Command are replacing Android tactical smartphone with an iPhone model. The iPhone 6s will become the end-user device for the iPhone Tactical Assault Kit.

This essentially means that the US Army has faith that Apple’s devices can handle the needs of those in that environment. However, this move from Android to iOS hs yet to be announced officially by the United States Army. But according to the source, the existing variant of the Android Device, which is a Galaxy Note smartphone has had some rough issues. It is speculated that this might be the reason for this change.

The reported issues regarding the device refer to some kind of a freezing issue with the split-screen functionality when it was being used to show the route and UAS feed. And it is also reported that when the same function was tried on the iPhone 6s, it was seamless and the graphics were also clear. And not just this, there were multiple freezing issues that were reported previously. Well, it is definitely going to be disappointing for Google hear about this shift from Android to iOS platform.

Do make a note that this is not the first time that we are hearing such a news. Back in 2010, the US Army took an initiative of handing out iPod Touches to soldiers. These iPod touches came with various language modules installed to assist with communicating with locals in foreign countries. So maybe Google should work on developing its software further and try to give a seamless experience to its consumers. Anyway, stay tuned as we will update once this news is officially confirmed by the US Army.


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