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How To Find the Places to Eat / Restaurants Near Me on Android



Do you want to cook all the time at home? No! That’s what I thought. Some days, you just want to kick back and relax on your couch and order a takeaway. Or maybe sometimes you like heading out to a joint in the vicinity and try their items. But how do you do that without wasting much time? Sure, you could ask your friends or simply just enter to the nearest restaurant you see. Thoughts have crossed your mind that you should install those popular food recommendation apps, well, you could, but that might be too much to handle. What if I told you that you don’t have to install any new app and still find a good place to dine in nearby? I think you would be interested in that.

With Google Maps app on your Android device, you can do all the regular kind of stuff that you can do on other food listing apps. The maps app is already a great tool to navigate around in the city, what you might not know that it is also a convenient way to figure out where you want to go if you don’t have any particular destination in mind. It is the go-to GPS solution most Android users already have installed on their handsets. This Explore Nearby feature used to have its own shortcut in the app drawer, but it’s now tucked away in the sidebar. Though, its functionality is as good as ever. We have laid down some steps below for you to understand how you can access the feature.

  1. Launch the Google Maps app on your device.
  2. If you have not enabled GPS, then we recommend you to run the GPS, so that app can access nearby area precisely.
  3. Now tap on the search bar, it will show you recently search area. Below this field, you’ll see four icons each for; restaurants, cafes, bars, and attractions.
  4. For instance, you tap on the first option, the restaurants. Once tapped, it will open a list of food joints near you.
  5. Browse through the list and tap on the restaurant you’d like to try.
  6. The app lets you directly call the restaurant to reserve the table, or you can navigate to the place. Other information listed would include Address, operating time and days.
  7. You can also browse through the reviews posted by other Google account users. As well as share the place with friends/family joining you for the dinner.

Google Maps isn’t the only app that can help you in finding a place where you can dine-in but it is rather the app that I consider offers the slickest interface. As you can simply kick back and browse through restaurants available nearby your area. Or any specific place if you’re looking to do so.

Google Maps Guide: How to use Street View on your Android Phone

Google Maps Guide: How to clear search and location history


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