Android 8.0 Oreo Is Said To Soon Get A Custom Theme Engine

If you have been one of those users who always opted to choose a third-party skin over the stock Android just to have the ability to theme engine, then you would probably be quite happy reading this. Yes, not a lot of people belong to that category, but there are a ton of them. According to the new reports which we have, it looks like Android 8.0 Oreo will soon get a native theme engine.
If you have been following the news since the availability of Android O developer preview, then you would probably be aware of the fact that is evidence suggesting that Google may finally be willing to implement a themes engine in stock Android. However, now the new report which we have, pretty much confirms/ gives us more info about it. The folks over at XDA have found a way to take advantage of OMS (Overlay Manager Service), which is integrated into Android 8.0 and to get Substratum themes up and running.
Now, if you know anything about stock Android, then you already that this is a huge deal. This wasn’t something that was possible without having to tinker much with the root files. However, now, the fact that it is possible to play around with it without any need for rooting, etc. suggests that Google has some plans for this. However, do make a note that currently it hasn’t been implemented well. Users still have to work their way around, however, it is much easier than what it was.
Currently, if someone wants to implement this, then it involves escalating permissions through ADB. It has been reported that it has one drawback, which is the fact that these permissions are lost after a reboot. This means that users will either have to stick to the same one or else work around again with ADB after the reboot. Yes, this isn’t an ideal way, however, it looks like it will change in coming days or weeks. It is expected that Substratum team are working on some sort of theme manager app for Android Oreo, which will be made available very soon.
Hence, if you own a Pixel/XL, the Nexus 5X, and the Nexus 6P, you should be on a look out for this upcoming app. One should have no issues running this app and get things going if the device is running on Android O. Having said that, if you would like to know more technical details on the same, then head over to the XDA link given below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts on this by leaving a comment down below.
Source – XDA